I want to commit suicide because of school ......... HELP!!

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I want to commit suicide because of school ......... HELP!!

Messaggioda Royalsapphire » 18/05/2014, 13:58

I am 14 years old, and I'm not sad .... I do not go well in school, not because I do not study, but because it is too difficult school I chose and my parents did not make me change ... my relatives because of this does not give me a straight, at least my 20 year old cousin, once I was also beaten for no reason, and no one said anything .... my dad does not talk to me ever, it seems that is too obnoxious, my mom on the other hand ... well, she is now I no longer have the relationship that we had ... : '(I have my 6 year old brother, and I do not know who else accepts me for who I am ...... I am very sad, I'm afraid of being rejected, and if it happens my mom said these exact words "if you get rejected ... do not talk to me anymore : '(
Give me some advice? Nn take it anymore: '(I'm counting on you guys: (
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