Facebook Prepares A Money-Transfer Service

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Facebook Prepares A Money-Transfer Service

Messaggioda Royalsapphire » 16/04/2014, 14:23

With more than 1 billion active mobile users, Facebook has the kind of scale to make any e-payments service jealous, but it could be years before the company gets that other important feature to running a viable financial business: trust.Facebook has been working since at least late last year on a European-wide service that would allow end users to store and transfer money on Facebook, according to a source in the financial services industry with knowledge of Facebook’s plans.“Facebook is thinking about financial services in general, money transfer being one of these areas,” the source said, adding there was a 50-50 chance that Facebook would successfully launch such a business. “They are making their minds up about what to do.”Facebook is reportedly weeks away from getting regulatory approval in Ireland to launch a European e-payments service, and is pushing into the remittances market in a bid to appeal to migrant workers in developed economies, according to The Financial Times, which first reported the news. Facebook’s second largest market is India, where it reportedly has about 100 million active users.The company, whose European headquarters are in Ireland, is waiting on the country’s central bank to approve Facebook as an electronic money institution in Europe, according to the FT.Facebook Prepares A Money-Transfer Service, But Still Needs Trust
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